Part of the reason this blog was created was to give Insanitekians and the public more insight to myself. I got away from that in some fashion because I wanted to give people more useful information. However, when our PR department discovered what I was up to, they pointed it out and begged me to […]
One of the huge obstacles in creating your own alternative path and business is money. Everything, and I do mean everything, costs you something. It costs you time or it costs you money. Often times it costs you a large quantity of both. Bootstrapping has its appeal in the pride of the business being all […]
We are what we believe we are. This simple quote by C.S. Lewis holds a great deal of truth. When we believe we are something, we act it repeatedly. Eventually, by repetition, we become what we believe we are. Stop for a second and think about the last time you had to hype yourself up, […]
When I was a little girl I was told that during my entire life the only one I could count on was myself. It’s an unfortunately reality that family and loved ones move away, your elders you trusted you carry you forth pass away eventually, and friends come and go. The only stable person in […]
Anyone that knows me knows I’m a huge fan of Tara Gentile‘s work. However, in case you haven’t heard me raving about her (and ranting how she “stole” my idea of Insanitek), here’s a little bit of info about her borrowed right from her about me page: A customer-obsessed business strategist who works with a […]