It’s not a scene from Dexter. It’s a roll.

In my last post I made a note about how much fun I was having making things for the holiday. I also made a note of how if it looks like a scene from “Dexter”, it was even more hilariously fun for me. Of course, this got people asking what I was making, and if […]

Organising the lab, home, office, and life

Life seems to happen no matter what you do. At the end of November I had all these great plans for what I was going to do between then and Christmas. Then, as I was starting to write lists of things to accomplish, in steps life and demands I take a break. OK, not a break […]

November comes to an end (early) + Travelling research

Ok, I know that November is not officially over yet. However, it is for me and blogging here. With the holidays around the corner and meeting family time demands, I know I’m not going to have much time to write. Alas, I wish I didn’t.  If you’ve known me for long, you know I’m not […]

Media bias effect on science literacy

While we’re on the subject of science literacy, let’s explore the various aspects of culture that can impact the understanding of science. Why not start with the most influential of them all? Public media reaches everyone with the message they choose, not the one you want. If I learned anything from numerous sociology and psychology […]

The importance of science literacy on crowdfunding

While we’re talking about crowdfunding science, there is something that needs to be addressed: Science literacy. It’s more than a buzz-phrase, it is a foundation stone of science itself. Without it, we would not have lively debates, new ideas building off old ideas, and the all important critical thinking to keep the cycle going. And, […]

Restructuring hiatus

Hey, everyone! My seasonal job ended, then my semester ended at Kaplan. Thus, my brain is in need of a vacation. I’m taking this week to restructure my schedule, realign my goals, get some more blog post ideas, and generally get all the gears lubricated. Oh, and drink lots of tea. Lots and lots and […]

October was a blur [Monthly update]

One of the pleasures of life is packing it full of things to do, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t painful. In the month of October I held 4 jobs. That’s right, four. During the day on Thursday, Friday, and Sunday I worked at Rosie’s Gardens. The evenings on Monday and Wednesday were spent teaching […]

The potential in crowdfunding

Striking off on your own, or just doing something different in the lab from what you can get a grant for is difficult. Money, therefore, is the biggest concern. Sure, we use a lot of Duct Tape, but it’s not like science is really inexpensive most of the time. So, what’s the alt-pather to do? […]

What makes a scienctist?

I love doing community outreach where I get to work closely with intuitive minds that are exploring something new. To me it’s fun to hear what “non-scientists” think or come up with, and they often ask questions that I hadn’t thought of before, or challenge me to explain things a new way. You hear some […]

5 tips for conquering doubt

Forgive me for not sugar-coating reality, but running an alt-path is more difficult than you might imagine — doubly so when you set out to do it purposefully. Why? It’s because it’s not the “normal” path, and often people will question you. They will question why you’re doing something, how you’re doing something, make constant […]