One of the huge obstacles in creating your own alternative path and business is money. Everything, and I do mean everything, costs you something. It costs you time or it costs you money. Often times it costs you a large quantity of both. Bootstrapping has its appeal in the pride of the business being all […]
Hurry up and wait. Once again my life is in a huge transitional phase, and I’m biding my time to figure out what happens next. I’ve never been good at this hurry up and wait game. I want answers now so I can plan ahead and take action. Instead, I’m day job hunting again while […]
Over the years of helping people with math anxieties, I have delved pretty deeply into many tricks designed to help soothe nerves, teach short cuts, and even discovered some truly awful money sinks. Some things work for some students, while they may not work for others. This review is of Brainetics and it’s claims as […]
We are what we believe we are. This simple quote by C.S. Lewis holds a great deal of truth. When we believe we are something, we act it repeatedly. Eventually, by repetition, we become what we believe we are. Stop for a second and think about the last time you had to hype yourself up, […]
Growing up I knew a boy who was terrified of math. Every day I would gather my books, close my locker, and look down the hall to see him pacing back and forth in front of the door to the room he feared so much. I would heft my math books, walk over to him, […]
Two and a half years ago I moved to Indianapolis with a very different thought process. I left Purdue near the end of my master’s degree with the intent to finish up remotely while working at your every day, average company doing something I love and working on Insanitek idly in my spare time. It […]
I was a chaotic, unorganised child — as most children with full schedules are. I had things to do, places to be, and the last thing I wanted think about was that stray paper from math class, the packet from social studies, let alone the list of items to do from all of my classes […]
In the last two blogs I’ve talked about fear and obstacles that are standing in your way to creating a life you love. Even though I gave you encouragement to find the ways around those blocks that may come to your mind, I didn’t give you a good reason to really follow an alternative path […]
I have been teaching, tutoring, and mentoring since I was in grade school. I would tutor my fellow classmates that had struggled to learn certain concepts for the test. Then, as I got older, I would mentor my friends and family on ways to solve problems. Finally, when I was at the uni, I started […]
Carving out an alt-path you can enjoy is often not easy. It’s not just the fear of what may happen, but the obstacles that pop up along the way. The normal, established paths require you to have degrees in this or that, a bundle of certifications, and a few years to decades of experience to […]