Fear of Walking Alternative Paths

Life is not about stability, it’s about chance. It’s about love, learning, mistakes, falling then picking ourselves back up. It’s about laughing at those mistakes when we’re older. We can rationalise this in our off time, but when it comes to our career choices we have a tendency to think traditional choices for stability’s sake. […]

The past is the past: Stop holding yourself back

All too often I’m asked what inspires, motivates, and drives me forward. After all, there are mornings when I, if I let it, I could be paralysed by fear of failure, of ending up homeless again. Yet I drag my near lifeless carcass out of bed and move on about the day. Sometimes I work […]

With growth comes great responsibility

Last week we hit a milestone. We hired our 4th science communicator and 5th freelance employee. This is a HUGE step for Insanitek. We could have done more, but I hesitated. Growth is exciting and scary. I mean it. I’m excited to have more communicators on staff to fill the blog with great content, sharing […]

How to produce your own work-life “balance”

The other day “M”, a client of mine asked, “How do you work so much and retain a work-life balance?” Well, first of all you should know that I don’t believe in the work-life balance myth. I’m a workaholic, and I’m quite comfortable with my insane work ethic. With this work ethic I’m making my […]

Meet the world of “Alt-ac”

Alternative academia, or alt-ac as people fond of short phrases call it, is not new, but it is making it’s buzz around academia. There are whole essays devoted to defining “alt-ac”. In short, is where recent graduates, specifically with their Ph.Ds, go when they don’t take the traditional track that leads to being a tenured […]

Today I cried. Today I was given a real chance.

For many years my life has been an ongoing struggle to make something of myself and make my dreams come true. I’m stubborn, determined, often penniless, and resilient.  I often thought this is the way it was going to be due to the fact that the world runs on money, which just happened to be […]

Confession: I get burned out too, and here’s how I deal with it.

Burnout. No one likes to admit that it happens when they are running full tilt towards a goal. However, it’s a fact of life that happens to all of us. It doesn’t matter what your socio-economic standing is, nor your level of anonymity in the world. If you’re human, you’re going to feel burnout. Here […]

From Science with Love

I love science. I love science so much that I seek every opportunity I can to share the knowledge that science can bring, as well as how it can be used. Most notably, every week I tutor kids in math and science. Kids will be kids, and they want their homework done so they can […]

Work, life, balance, and a little sanity

As many of you know from reading my blog, I have several things balanced on my plate. I… work at a garden shop to fill my bank account (and that of Insanitek’s) ~32hrs/wk tutor on my days off from the garden shop ~8hrs/wk work on Insanitek every chance I get spend time with my fiancé […]

How to deal with guilt and manipulation

While you are struggling to make changes in your life, there are going to be nay-sayers. They will have their own reasons for trying to make you feel guilty for your choices or manipulating you into doing what they want. How you react to them, their words, and their actions is purely up to you. […]