What the Gladiators of Calico have taught me about business

The Gladiators of Calcio Storico are men with a deep story of redemption, love, and fear. They are astoundingly human on and off the field. It’s easy to see the brutality in this sport, but when one looks beyond it to what drives these men to play Calico they see every range of the human […]

Bootstrapping isn’t as easy as they make it sound.

Bootstrapping, traditionally, involves limiting overhead while focusing on making a single project or service work for you. According to Seth Godin, it’s a state of mind, not necessarily a financial state of being. Unfortunately, for working poor people with dreams, it’s a state of being — financially, intellectually, and emotionally. We strive to build something that […]

Gaining financial freedom

A couple of weeks ago I started a seasonal job at a garden centre a few blocks from where I live at. Rosie’s Garden and Hugh’s Landscape is a “small”, family owned business in the south area of Carmel, Indiana. It sits on 12 acres of land, and they packed all 12 acres with retail […]

Where I was: Lessons from as a homeless college student

After reading a piece in Forbes about the realities of the poor status here in the States, I decided to open up about a time in my life when I was homeless. While you read this remember, I don’t want your pity. I want you to use this story to empower yourself to climb out […]

The Girl at the End of the World

Girl at the End of the World: My Escape from Fundamentalism in Search of Faith with a Future by Elizabeth Esther My rating: 4.5 of 5 stars Those that know me know that I’m eternally fascinated with little things in human culture. The biggest thing about human culture that has always fascinated me is faith. […]

The “War for Talent” is not dead.

McDonald’s counter argument to the War on Talent would suggest that not all people are comfortable with, nor completely understand the underlying points to the “War for Talent”. After the original book was released in 1997, things may have gotten off the rails a bit in terms of how people have implemented strategies to deal […]

The power in accepting responsibility

When I was a little girl I was told that during my entire life the only one I could count on was myself. It’s an unfortunately reality that family and loved ones move away, your elders you trusted you carry you forth pass away eventually, and friends come and go. The only stable person in […]

Embracing introversion and thriving in business

There is no doubt about it, I’m an introvert by nature. Ask anyone that is familiar with me. I don’t go out very often, I prefer quiet environments, and close friendships over a party. I can’t remember the last time I perused social media for any more than 3, and that’s only when I get […]

The Trickster Claims Her Prize [guest post by Fred Chu]

So, as I was feeling more than a little anxiety and anguish over my thesis formatting and editing, I asked my friend, Fred, to tell me a D&D inspired tale about fighting for my degree. Below is the metaphorical tale of Byzantine paperwork and regulations (the Labyrinth), the “inflexible” bureaucrats (the guardian), and obviously your […]

The Power of Choice

Anyone that knows me knows I’m a huge fan of Tara Gentile‘s work. However, in case you haven’t heard me raving about her (and ranting how she “stole” my idea of Insanitek), here’s a little bit of info about her borrowed right from her about me page: A customer-obsessed business strategist who works with a […]