Everyone deals with stress, and most of us deal with it in a slightly different way. I’ve heard of drinking yourself to stupidity, punching bags at the gym, running until your legs are rubber, yoga, breathing exercises, partying, drugs, food, and many, many more. My vice, though, lies in being crafty. No, I don’t mean […]
In my humble flat I have stacks of old magazines begging to be thrown in the bin. However, I never could seem to part with them because of this article or that one. Eventually, I just started keeping them all for reference. I did this even long after I got a nearly lifetime subscription to […]
We currently live in a starter flat with all sorts of problems. Namely among them for the winter season are drafty windows and doors. As a crocheter, I decided to make a door draft snake for our patio door to help block a lot of the draft. As you can tell from the rather said […]
Not many people in my immediate surroundings and circle of friends really and truly know what it is like to wonder about the safety and security of the place they live in. However, lately the people around me are starting to raise these questions and panic due to a couple nearby, violent home invasions, a […]
I’m planning a huge step forward for Insanitek this spring. I plan on starting an Inventor’s Guild of Indianapolis. The idea behind the Guild is to start assembling a bunch of like-minded individuals so we can work together, learn together, get ideas from each other, and borrow each other’s tools in a semi-structured way. As […]
Fuse (The Pure Trilogy) by Julianna Baggott My rating: 4 of 5 stars Disclaimer: I won Fuse as a Goodreads Firstread. I received the book for free, but I am under no obligation to give a good review, just an honest one. It has been a long time since I’ve read a post-apocalyptic book that […]
I don’t think I’ve actually talked much about Insanitek R&D here, nor really on Ink or any other place that’s publicly accessible. So, I thought I’d start to explain myself. And, like any good story it starts off with “So, one night when we were drinking…” Insanitek’s conception As a bunch of us engineering students […]
Several months ago I decided to join the National Guard reserves. There were several reasons for this, really. Most of it is financial — I can’t afford to pay off my school loans with as little as I pay myself here at Insanitek, let alone the now required health care or other essentials of life, […]
Most kids have a creative spirit. Thankfully for me, my grandfather didn’t crush mine, but gently and quietly encouraged it by being an entrepreneur himself. When I was 10, I asked my grandparents if I could earn some money by taking care of their yard. We worked out a deal where I got paid $25 […]