Organisation templates

All the templates below were created on and for use with LibreOffice Draw, which is a free multi-platform office suite that goes by different names depending on what you’re using. Mac and Windows users look for OpenOffice. Linux users like myself should already have this installed.

I use an Arc Junior organiser, so many of these templates are designed to work with that. Others are printables that I laminate and hang on a wall or give to students. I can help you make others if you need for a small fee, but these are available for free. Donations are happily and gratefully accepted, and the proceeds will go toward helping independent scientists and inventors  of all ages and genders set up their lab and dreams for the long haul.

You can download any of these templates or printables by clicking on the image to the left. First up are the templates I use regularly. These are how I keep my day planner organised and my mind in order. These files are raw files (Open Office) so you can edit and change them in any way you want. 

Blank Arc Junior Template

Blank Arc Junior LayoutThis is the basic left hole punch template with nothing on it. The dashed lines block off the area where the hole punches are, while the solid one indicates where the paper would be cut right down the centre. To use the template, simply create a new layer, then add your grapics and text. HIDE the layout layer, then save the file as a PDF. Print from the PDF for best quality.




Editable Weekly Checklist Template for the Arc Junior

ARC Junior Editable Weekly ChecklistEvery one has things they have to do on certain days of the week. Every Wednesday might be “checking Facebook” or something more work related like “create paystubs for contractors”. This is template is what I use currently for my weekly checklists when I don’t need to write notes on another page. Check out this post to see how I combine life, home, and work in one week.

Left hand punched sheet layout

Fonts used are LaylaExtraBold and Lover, both of which are available on Creative Market.

Editable Monthly Checklist for the Arc Junior

ARC Junior Monthly LayoutsSome things only need to be done once a month, such as paying bills and making rounds through your contacts to keep in touch. This layout is designed with a “fuzzy” time in mind so you can put down that you need to do something on the first week, the second, or somewhere in between. There is also room for notes that you can jot down as things occur you you, such as that big client’s anniversary that you over heard was coming up soon and want to send them a card for.

I use mine to keep track of bills that aren’t automated, health milestone trials, guest posting, and other monthly administrative tasks that need to be done. In the notes side I jot down ideas that come to me while sitting in meetings. These are often project ideas, solutions to client problems, and notes about my employees likes and dislikes so I know them better.

As always, the list is completely editable from the colours to the fonts and layout. Make it your own. Download, alter, and share.

Fonts used are URW Chancery L, which should come standard on your Linux. The other is Bookshelf from Creative Market.

Editable post planner with a focus on influence

This is a post planner that I use on a regular basis now. It features a place to put all the usual stuff like a title, category, and keywords.

But, it also features a space to write a brief outline so you get your thoughts in order before being distracted by the ‘net and a place to put some influence notes. I, personally, love Sharí Alexander’s VIBES methods since it allows me to say a lot in a very small space.

At the end is a short checklist to keep you on track. Because, you know, life happens and it’s hard to remember what’s been done and what hasn’t sometimes.

This is a full size letter sheet. I used a pattern for the background and layered the white box on top of it. Then, on top of the box layer there is the text.

Texts used are Holland from Creative Market and Geared Slab from (free font). Not sure where the patterned background digital paper came from.


Editable tax paperwork checklist

Tax time is never a fun time. Unless you’re twisted like my accountant ─ then it’s always a fun time. But, if you’re like me and put paperwork off till the last possible moment, then this checklist is for you.

This is a checklist I use every year in December to locate and corral all important files I know that my accountant will ask me for. This means personal identification, business identification, expenses and sales for the for the business and other interesting things that I always forget about ─ like depreciation and square footage of the home office ─ that give you a wee bit of an edge in paying a bit less.

This is a full sized letter sheet. I used a textured pattern for the background and layered the white boxes and texts on top of them.

Texts used were Alentine from Creative Market and Abraham Lincoln from Free Typography.