R&P ClallengeR&P Easy

[Flash Math] Ratios & Proportions

Suggested Price:$ 3.00

Flash math are review sheets that are designed to hyper focus on one particular math skill and immediate vocabulary. This packet has:

  • A one page introduction describing the ratios and proportions from the definition to how to use them.
  • Easy problems are on just getting reacquainted with the basic skill of how to solve ratios.
  • Challenge problems are on reading story problems so that you can build your own ratios and solve.
  • Answer key
  • Help in the KC forums to work out problems in this packet and ones like it.

This product is Pay What You Want pricing, meaning you can choose the amount that you want to contribute — or get it for free. We do this because we believe that there is no price on knowledge, and everyone deserves a chance to better themselves. If you appreciate what we are doing, buy us a coffee so we can fuel ourselves through more.

Product Description

Flash math series are designed to give a quick refresher on basic math skills, a few easy practise, and a few more challenging practise. These are great worksheets to use as review, warm-up, or even as extra credit. They are also great for adults to refresh their rusty skills when helping their kids get through homework.

In this particular set, we make ratios look easy, apply them to real life experiences, and make you wonder why you ever felt like they were difficult. Like all our Flash Math series, you have an answer sheet at the end of the package, and free help in the forums if you get stuck solving the problems.