First of all, thank you! You don’t know how much it means to us that others care about the planet as much as we do. It’s takes a curious person mixed with love to go out into the big world and try to make even the smallest of differences in their own yard. Kudos to you.
Click on the image to the right or this link to download the PDF of your activity sheet.
Second of all, I wanted to tell you what you could expect over the next few days now that you’ve got this in your hands. We’ll be sending you a few emails with ideas to help you use this sheet. These ideas come from Grace’s upcoming book “The Urban Naturalist”, which is designed to help urbanites to get out of the house and into the world around them. So, if you found an activity delightful — or didn’t — she’d love an email back to let her know.
Welcome to the Environmental Protector Club!