Spook: Science Tackles the Afterlife by Mary Roach
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I’ve always liked Roach’s sarcasm when writing books, and Spook was no exception. I had wondered how she would approach the topic of the afterlife with her unique mix of sarcasm, non-academic style of demanding reason. It was quite informative while being fun and amusing.
Spook led Roach on a few journey’s that explore various ways that academics are using/plan to use/or have used to research the possibility of the afterlife. Some of these methods are questionable and gross, others are amazingly well thought out and fallible. Yet, as Roach writes there are other methods that may still work.
Nearer to the end of the book Roach puts a personal touch on an academic study that I’ve heard of for infrasound. While the information was not new, the personality of the researcher was. It was quite delightful to have this aspect put down in words so the research has a personal touch to it. The whole book is filled with delightful gems such as that.
In the end, this book enriches without taking away personal belief in the afterlife (if you had any), and it also doesn’t demean it. It just explores the methods in which people have been testing for the spirit over a large span of time in actually a great detail.