Attention independent inventors!
For two days, independent inventors and small business owners will have an unparalleled opportunity to learn, network, and jumpstart their creative endeavors. Experts and senior officials from the USPTO will present valuable information on patents, trademarks, and other intellectual property (IP) matters while successful business owners and inventors will relate their inspiring personal experiences in bringing their dreams to market. In addition, representatives from government, legal, and business development entities will discuss commercial best practices and the various resources offered by their organizations. Each attendee will have an exclusive opportunity to meet one-on-one with a USPTO expert or IP professional of his or her choice, as well as hear keynote addresses from major figures in the entrepreneurial world.
That’s right, the Patent and Trademark Office’s annual conference is coming up soon. Are you ready? If not, it’s coming up soon! It’s on Oct. 11 and 12th in Alexandria, Virginia. You can find out all the information you need and more here, at the USPTO website.
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