Tag: agriculture

The Rusty Patched Bumble Bee is an Endangered Species…Again

The rusty patched bumble bee is once again making headlines, and it’s for the same reason as before – its endangered species status. (“Rusty patched bumble bee recommended for endangered list,” n.d.) But let’s back up for a moment and take a look at why the bee is endangered, as well as the reasons behind the …

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bees, pollination, science

If Bees Go Extinct, Can Drones Fulfill Their Pollination Duties?

Bees are critical to the pollination of plants, and therefore, our food supply. If the insects were to disappear, the end result would be crop damage and not only a lack of food, but economic stability. Luckily, scientists are working on a solution to our looming pollination problem, as bees continue to face threats such as …

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luffa on a vine.

What’s the difference between peeling and soaking a luffa anyway?

If you are familiar with my personal blog, you’ll recall that this past summer I took a stab at growing luffas for the first time ever. This picks up where that posts left off at: the harvest and how to process luffa. There are lots of places and advice you can go to on the …

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