Making the tough choices is never easy, especially when you are working poor and straddling the edge of survival on your own. Here is our advice on making the tough choice of how to deal with health care this coming year when you can't afford an ACA package and don't get government aid.
Author: Maria Loaeza
How to pitch your services to get more money [Financial Friday$]
For freelancers and independents, pitching your product and getting more money out of it is like asking for a raise. Don’t believe me? Think on this: When you are pitching your services or your product, you are marketing. When you are asking for a raise (or even a job), you are marketing your skills and …
Financial Anatomy [Financial Friday$]
If you’re reading this, it’s likely that you’ve gone awry somewhere down the road and need some serious help with your finances. Or, you’re trying to do the impossible with very little like every member of the working poor class that scrapes by on barely a living. Either way, this post will benefit you to …
Financial stability starts with a dream [Financial Friday$]
If you’ve ever heard anyone talk about financial analysis it usually doesn’t involve day dreaming. After all, money is all about numbers, right? Not exactly. Money is about an exchange. It’s absolutely powerless if you make it so. So, let’s start at the beginning and start dreaming. Go on, dream. Every good goal starts out with a …
Dealing with your Financial Emotions [Financial Friday$]
We’ve been doing a lot of talking about how to get financially stable, for we’ve neglected an important facet of this process: Emotions.
3 Good Financial Habits {Financial Friday$}
When the word “money” comes up, how do you feel? Do you feel anxious? Do you feel like you’re lying to yourself? Or, do you feel like you could do better, but it’s not so bad? If you’re anything like most people you’re feelings about money and your financial situation fluctuates depending on how close …

Creating a “dirty budget” {Financial Friday$}
If you’ve never heard of the term “dirty budget”, don’t be alarmed. It’s actually a phrase my mother used to use referring to a “quick and dirty budget”. It means something that works roughly but needs refining. This sort of budget is the budget you turn to in a rush when someone asks you for …