Tag: palaeontology

mary leakey, louis leakey, palaeontology,

The Leakey Family: Paleontology’s Power Family

No one family is responsible for more scientific paleontology discoveries than the Leakeys. Husband and wife, Louis and Mary, together with their sons, Jonathan and Richard, Richard’s wife, Maeve, and their daughter, Louise, have helped to advance our understand of our ancestors and proven themselves to be the first family of paleontology with their seventy-plus …

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Fossil Hunter: Mary Anning

The scientific fields of geology and paleontology owe much of their early advancements to an uneducated, impoverished, amateur fossil hunter in the early 1800s. However, much of the credit for Mary Anning’s work was not granted to her during her lifetime. The reason for this was threefold – she was from a poverty-stricken, working-class family, …

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