Category: Science & Society

This is a category for topics that show cause and effect of science and society at large. It’s also a place to think philosophically about a topic and how it might impact society with a bit of well-founded speculation. No scaremongering or propaganda allowed.

torcherbearer of scientific knowledge, torchbearer, science communication, scicomm, pitfalls

What does it take to be a torchbearer of scientific knowledge?

Being a torchbearer of knowledge, especially scientific knowledge, is a fun journey. You learn so many useful, life changing things. There are so many ways to take any situation and come up with solutions that make life better. And yet, there is the potential to be misunderstood when you share the knowledge. Or worse, the …

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characteristics needed to be a science communicator

Values needed to be a torchbearer of scientific knowledge

Sharing knowledge seems like it would be a very easy thing. After all, people share knowledge without much training to varying degrees of success. Look at YouTubers that specialise in tutorials, educators, parents, colleagues and literally anyone around you. We all assist others through life by sharing what knowledge we can. If you’re serious about …

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Street Turtle Rescue Squad: Do’s and Don’t’s of Helping a Little Ol’ Turtle Cross the Street

Welcome! Let me be the first to congratulate you on joining the Street Turtle Rescue Squad. The Street Turtle Rescue Squad, or STRS, is an elite team of wildlife rescue personnel completely and solely dedicated to serving the turtle population in your neighborhood. Our work is vital. Without the heroic efforts of the Street Turtle …

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fruit, juice

Confusion in the Produce Aisle: Team Fruit vs Team Veggie

Imagine ordering a fruit smoothie only to find out it is made with bell peppers, squash, tomatoes, eggplant, peas, olives, and corn. Ewww. While not the sweet treat you expected, the restaurant didn’t make a mistake. Technically speaking, you got what you ordered…a mixture of blended fruit. This misunderstanding stems for our muddled classification of …

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The Discovery of Chlorpromazine (AKA Thorazine)

Transcript: Intro Chlorpromazine is often known by a brand name of Thorazine. It’s an antipsychotic used for people with manic and schizophrenia disorders. It was considered ground breaking for the psychiatric field. It allowed them to move on from barbaric methods of therapy like electroshock and lobotomies to something that has the potential to correct brain …

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Science is for everyone ─ not just scientists

Editor’s note: This post has been updated and broken links removed. Please see our policy on broken hyperlinks for more. Science communication circles are growing ever more popular and passionate about science. Google “science is for…” and you’ll see that it fills in “everyone.” No doubt it’s because of the associated TEDTalk, but it’s an infectious, exciting …

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