Category: Health and medicine


Tick and Mosquito-borne Illnesses Are On The Rise: What Can You Do?

Summer is the season for spending time outdoors, but unfortunately, this can put us in contact with pests that carry disease. Ticks and mosquitoes, for instance, can both transmit illness to humans, and new research shows that they are doing just that this season. Federal health officials now say that the number of people getting …

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CDC: Are Efforts to Control Super Bugs Working?

“Nightmare bacteria,” as they’re called, are the bacteria that cannot be treated with common antibiotics. Antibiotic-resistant bugs kill more than 23,000 Americans annually (Fox, 2018). But how did this all start? When did bacteria become so deadly and out of control? Furthermore, is there anything that can be done about it? The Rise of Super …

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inhaler, asthma

Air Pollution and Asthma: The Link, The Cause, and Prevention

Exactly how does air pollution contribute to asthma? This was the question scientists recently asked, specifically pertaining to childhood asthma. Now, they have some answers. An international group of researchers recently looked at a model that included four distinct models of traffic, emissions, atmospheric dispersion, and health impact assessments in Bradford, UK. Their goal was …

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electronic cigarette, e-cig, cigarette

Are There Cancer-Causing Chemicals in E-Cigarettes?

Electronic cigarettes have been called everything from trendy to helpful cessation devices, but little has been known about these products until now. As more research pours in about e-cigs, scientists are uncovering both the good and the bad. Recently, a group of researchers from the University of California, San Francisco wanted to look in how …

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