Tag: pollution

inhaler, asthma

Air Pollution and Asthma: The Link, The Cause, and Prevention

Exactly how does air pollution contribute to asthma? This was the question scientists recently asked, specifically pertaining to childhood asthma. Now, they have some answers. An international group of researchers recently looked at a model that included four distinct models of traffic, emissions, atmospheric dispersion, and health impact assessments in Bradford, UK. Their goal was …

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Meet Henderson Island, Home to the World’s Plastic Trash

Welcome to Henderson Island, where you can literally live alongside 38 million pieces of trash. This little island located halfway between New Zealand and Chile is considered to be a UNESCO world heritage site. Unfortunately, it’s been plagued with a plastic problem. A recent report published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences …

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Scientists Have Found a Way to Turn CO2 into Ethanol

Not all accidents are bad. In fact, some of them can turn into sheer brilliance, as what one incident recently proved at a laboratory in Tennessee. In a new study, researchers from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory announced that they had discovered a way to convert carbon dioxide into ethanol. It sounds like something that …

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Don’t Feed the Birds: Storks Now Opting Out of Migration in Favor of Landfills

European storks are known for migrating during the year, but new research shows that Portugal and Spain’s storks are starting to stick around — for the sake of trash. A study published in BioMed Central showed that the birds are learning to feed off of the waste in landfills. In turn, they’re opting out of …

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