Category: Health and medicine


What Are Pesticides and Are They Really Harmful?

Pesticides are chemicals generally used in agriculture, in order to prevent diseases, pests, weeds and other kinds of plant pathogens. The final aim of pesticides is to maintain high quality in agricultural production and yield and also improve the external appeal of fruits and vegetables. Despite sometimes not being noticed by the public, there some …

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Carlos Finlay: Mosquitoes, Yellow Fever, and a Big Case of “I Told You So”

Pop Quiz – What animal is responsible for the most human deaths every year? If you said “shark” or “alligator” or “snake”, you would be wrong. Sure, these animals are dangerous, but they actually result in very few human deaths each year. The animal that poses the biggest threat to humans is the mosquito. Mosquitoes …

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Baby Walker Injuries are on the Rise: Is It Time for a Ban?

Baby walkers are seemingly harmless devices that offer fun to little ones and their parents alike. However, hospital emergency rooms treat more than 2,000 babies a year for injuries stemming from these walkers, and now, American pediatricians are calling for a ban (Cohen, 2018). “I view infant walkers as inherently dangerous objects that have no …

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pills, medication, health, depression

Taking a Low-Dose Aspirin May Not Have as Many Benefits as Previously Thought

New research shows that taking low-dose aspirin on a regular basis may not have as many life-saving properties as previously thought. According to one new study, taking aspirin does not help prevent first strokes or heart attacks in people at moderate risk for one. This was because the study participants had several health threats, such …

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vaping, e-cigs, electronic cigarettes

Can Vaping Do Damage to Your Lungs? One Study Says Yes

There has been little research done about the harm of electronic cigarettes and vaping thus far, but new data suggests that there could be something to worry about, particularly when it comes to our cells. Researchers from the University of Birmingham recently conducted a study that was published in the journal Thorax, which found that …

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parenting, child, baby

Doctors Now Advise Pregnant Women to Steer Clear of Marijuana

There is plenty of information out there about the dangers of smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol during pregnancy, but what about marijuana use? For the first time, the American Academy of Pediatrics has released its guidelines for marijuana use during pregnancy and breast-feeding, and the outlook is relatively bleak. According to the guidelines, women should …

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depression, health, mental health

Lacking This Biomarker? It Could Be Responsible for Your Depression

There is still little known about what biologically may predispose individuals to depression, but researchers are getting closer to solving the mystery. As of late, scientists have discovered a biomarker that they believe may be an indicator of depression in adults. A new study conducted by Stanford University and The Rockefeller University discovered that people …

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