Tag: wheat

Is Your Gluten-Free Diet Harming Your Health?

The health hack sweeping the wellness industry is highly debated conversation. If you’re not allergic or sensitive to gluten, should you bother removing it from your diet? Recent research from the Columbia University Medical Center suggested that a low-gluten diet could actually have a negative impact on your heart health, particularly due to eliminating heart-healthy …

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beer, barley, plants, drinks

Here’s What Happened When Students Made Beer with a 5,000-Year-Old

What happens if you attempt to create beer from a 5,000 year-old recipe? As a group of students from Stanford found out, you get a fairly unusual beverage. A team of archaeologists led by Stanford professor Li Liu recently discovered the recipe dating back approximately 5,000 years (Wang et al., 2016). Traces of beer were found …

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