Tag: applied science

black man holding skateboard and notebook

Does Exercise REALLY Help Students Focus and Perform Academically Better?

We hear it all the time for the elderly: Exercise increases cognitive abilities and staves off Alzheimer’s. We hear that exercise makes us age more slowly over all. But what about young people? What about people with ADHD or other cognitive “divergences.” The answer, like everything else in science, is “it’s complicated,” but it’s also …

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Lab Safety and Inspections

A recent article in Lab Manager had a brief, half page article about lab safety. In it, it mentions the importance of having regular meetings to discuss policies and protocols, holding each other accountable, and scheduling maintenance. Here at Insanitek we take a slightly different approach . Policies are trained, discussed regularly, and posted on …

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Canada’s Experimental Lakes

There are drawbacks, of course, to doing environmental experiments in a laboratory setting. Small-scale experimentation may not yield the same results as a large-scale, real-world experiment. In a sterile lab, scientists may not be able to predict the impact of other environmental factors. A more accurate way of conducting research would be to experiments in …

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