Tag: education

Lab Safety and Inspections

A recent article in Lab Manager had a brief, half page article about lab safety. In it, it mentions the importance of having regular meetings to discuss policies and protocols, holding each other accountable, and scheduling maintenance. Here at Insanitek we take a slightly different approach . Policies are trained, discussed regularly, and posted on …

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Surprised? Student Loans May Hurt Your Mental Health

Editor’s note: This post has been updated and broken links removed. Please see our policy on broken hyperlinks for more. The first study to examine the link between student loans and the mental health of young adults has been published, and the results are bleak. Lead Author Katrina Walsemann from the University of South Carolina and her …

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solar system

That’s Why It’s Called “Space”: Teaching Abstract Concepts About Space, Size, and Time

Editor’s note: This post has been updated and broken links removed. Please see our policy on broken hyperlinks for more. In the article “10 Scientific Ideas that Scientists Wish You Would Stop Misusing,” Annalee Newitz spotlights a few common scientific misconceptions. To halt the trend, learners need accurate information, in a way they can process it, at …

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