Tag: science

How Many Asteroids Narrowly Avoid Hitting Earth on a Regular Basis?

It’s not a very comforting thought, but the fact of the matter is that we aren’t alone in the universe. No, I don’t mean aliens — think asteroids! These gigantic rocks fly by our planet on a regular basis, but exactly how close are they getting to wiping out all of humanity? A new diagram has been released …

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murder, crime

A 430,000-year-old Skull May Belong to the World’s Oldest Murder Victim

Murder is an unfortunate crime that we see daily on the nightly news, and people have been committing this act for centuries. However, new evidence shows that we might have been killing others as far back as 430,000 years ago. A fossilized skull discovered within a Spanish cave has scientists believing that homicide was a real …

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frog, animals

Here are 5 Newly Discovered Creatures You Need to See to Believe

Although we’ve been on this planet for quite some time, there are still new creatures being discovered on a regular basis. In fact, the College of Environmental Science and Forestry has recently composed a list of about 18,000 newly discovered species discovered over the past year. In honor of their discoveries, the researchers typically release a “Top 10” list …

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Research Shows Bi-Polar and Depressed People Feel Sadness Differently

What does sadness mean to you? If you happen to have a mental health condition such as bipolar disorder or depression, it could be a world of difference. A new study conducted by researchers in the Netherlands shows that there are differences in the brain activity of individuals with clinical depression and bipolar disorder. This would …

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Do You Live in One of the Happiest Urban Cities in the U.S.?

Happiness isn’t always easy to find, but it may be a bit easier if you know where to set up shop. Recently, a Gallup-Healthways poll revealed the 50 “happiest U.S. communities.” The scores were based on five distinct elements of well-being — purpose, social relationships, financial security, community pride/safety and physical health. At the top of …

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Bill Gates Says We Aren’t Ready Prepared for a Global Epidemic

Microsoft Founder Bill Gates wrote an opinion piece for the New York Times that went live on March 18, and it provided plenty of food for thought on the recent Ebola crisis. Stemming from the health crisis, which took thousands of lives in West Africa, Gates proclaimed that the world is simply not ready to deal with …

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