Tag: evolution

fish, fishes, animals

Researchers Say Eyes – Not Legs – Initially Prompted Water Creatures to Move Onto Land

What encouraged some water species to evolve into land-based creatures? This is what some scientists attempted to determine by analyzing the bodies of terrestrial vertebrates that existed about 385 million years ago. (MacIver, Schmitz, Mugan, Murphey, & Mobley, 2017) They found that their eyes – rather than their limbs – may have played a large …

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We Now Know What Dinosaurs May Have Really Looked Like

Some people speculate that most dinosaurs had feathers, while others still believe it’s up for debate. We may not end the discussion anytime soon, but a new study has revealed additional details to help us draw more accurate conclusions. In a report published in Nature Communications, researchers shared what they found when they used high-powered …

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dinosaur, dinosaurs, beaks, birds

19 Dinosaur Skeletons Have Been Found – What Do They Tell Us About their Evolution?

Dinosaur discoveries always give us more to consider when we look back on the evolution of today’s animals. The recent unearthing of 19 skeletons in the Gobi Desert of China is no different. On Dec. 22, scientists published new findings in Current Biology, detailing 19 skeletons they found while searching in the Gobi Desert. The …

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fish, fossils, biology

Could Fish Fins be Linked to Human Hands? Maybe, Researchers Say

Could your fingers be linked to fish fins? Scientists’ new research may just lead us to the answer. A new study published by a team of researchers at the University of Chicago claim that there are significant evolutionary connections between our appendages and fish fins. Evolutionary biologist Neil H. Shubin has been seeking connections between …

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birds, science, animals

Could a Diet of Nuts and Seeds Killed the Dinosaurs?

Many people naturally assume that a large catastrophic event, like an asteroid collision, caused the demise of the dinosaurs. However, a new study published in Current Biology by a group of Canadian researchers indicates that their diets and a changing environment might have also contributed to their downfall. Specifically, the research points to the teeth of fossils. …

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