The time around the World Wars was an interesting one for science. A great many things were discovered, then invented off these new illuminations. There was one that stood out for his slow, creative genius that, through his belief that physics and chemistry are intertwined, discovered thermodynamics. Following the threads of evidence, Max Planck travelled …
Tag: science
Potholes: It’s Science
The formation of potholes. Water is one of the few liquid compounds that expands when it freezes, instead of contracting. The power of expansion packs a destructive punch. It is responsible for causing extensive damage to streets and roads all over the world. While the freezing and thawing of water is one of the driving …
Scientist Spotlight: Joseph Priestley
Joseph Priestley. It’s a name that won’t mean much to the average person. And even the few that recognise his name, but don’t know his story, will snigger saying, “That’s the dude that found oxygen that he didn’t believe in.” True that. Priestley did find oxygen ─ and explored many other gasses ─ while still …
Small fries, big gains
There seems to be a misconception that when you’re striking out on your own and building a business it has to have a quick turn around for growth. That’s just not true. There is a lot that can be gained with smaller or individual clients. In this post, you’ll learn how to get big gains …
Do We Know When We Die? These Scientists Say Yes
When we die, is there a light at the end of the tunnel? Do we know when we’re clinically pronounced dead? How long does it take to actually happen? These are some of the questions that we’ve been asking since the dawn of time. Now, a new study suggests that, yes, we do know when …
Report: Fast Food Wrappers May Contain Chemicals that Pose a Threat to Your Health
Before you head to the drive-thru for a quick snack, take a moment to consider what might be wrapped around the food. These days, it isn’t just the fast food itself that may pose a threat to your health. A new study suggests that the chemicals used in the products that hold fast food can …
Report: Your Brain Shape May Be the Key to Your Personality
Your brain is unique in the sense that it has an original shape – one that differs from the brains found in other people. Now, researchers are learning more about how the brain’s shape may play a role in personalities. Researcher Luca Passamonti recently led a team of scientists to determine how structural differences in …
Researchers to Spend Eight Months in Isolation in Hawaii to Simulate Mars
The Martian landscape is like nothing any human has ever experienced before, but will we ever experience it? In case we do, a group of NASA-funded researchers is preparing for it. A six-member crew is now residing on Hawaii’s Big Island on the Mauna Loa volcano for eight months. Their mission is to learn how …
Report: Zombies Would Overtake Humans in About 100 Days
If a real-life zombie apocalypse broke out, would you prepared to take on the undead? Most of us know at this point that zombies are a work of fiction, but scientists wanted to determine if humans could actually fight off the creatures in a worst-case scenario. A study published in the University of Leicester’s Journal …
NASA Scientist: We Could Be in Big Trouble if a Comet Flies Too Close to Earth
Could our planet be in trouble if a comet heads in our direction? One NASA scientist believes this may be the case, but a lot of factors will come into play. Dr. Joseph Nuth, a researcher at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, made his opinion known while speaking at the annual meeting of the American …