Tag: animals

These Tadpoles are Just Fine with Living Underground

You might think of a pond when tadpoles come to mind, but scientists have just discovered a new species that lives underground. In fact, the tadpoles feast on sand, and they’re just fine with their dark, damp environment. The species belong to the Indian dancing frog family, Micrixalidae. The tadpoles, Micrixalus herrei, come from sand beds in a …

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Scientists Have Manipulated Genes to Create a Chick with ‘Dinosaur-like’ Legs

Cue the “Jurassic Park” theme song. In a study published in Evolution, researchers from the University of Chile detailed a recent experiment involving the mutation of a chicken leg to give it the shape of a dinosaur leg. The scientists inhibited the early maturation of a leg of a chicken embryo to yield the results. Alexander Vargas, one of the researchers, stated …

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Scientists: Long Island’s Great South Bay has Become a Shark Nursery

If you live near the shoreline on Long Island, you may want to listen up. Scientists have found that the Great South Bay has become home to several sand tiger sharks, which are using this area as breeding grounds. Veterinarians and researchers working for the Wildlife Conservation Society’s New York Aquarium are the ones to make …

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These 19 Dinosaur Skeletons May Help Us Learn How the Creatures Evolved

Dinosaur discoveries always give us more to consider when we look back on the evolution of today’s animals. The recent unearthing of 19 skeletons in the Gobi Desert of China is no different. On Dec. 22, scientists published new findings in Current Biology, detailing 19 skeletons they found while searching in the Gobi Desert. The …

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pangolin, pangolins, animals

China Has Seized Its Largest-Ever Batch of Pangolin Scales, But What Are They?

At the end of December 2016, Chinese officials honed in on an illegal trafficking operation involving pangolin scales. In total, about 3.4 tons of pangolin scales were seized at a port in Shanghai. According to Chinese media, it was the largest seizure of its type in the history of the country – but what are …

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Head’s Up, We’re Already Entering the Sixth Mass Extinction

If you’ve been anxious about the next mass extinction, bad news: it’s already commenced. Scientists have found that species loss is currently 100 times greater than the expected rate. In short, we’ve already entered the sixth mass extinction, and soon we may face the same fate as the dinosaurs. “The evidence is incontrovertible that recent …

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